David Lynch Season: Mulholland Drive

Part of Phoenix's DAVID LYNCH season. The Phoenix mourns, alongside the global film community, the passing of visionary artist and filmmaker David Lynch. One of the pioneers of American independent cinema, Lynch spent the most creative years of his life reimagining the depths and limits of cinema, contemplating the medium’s undefinable place amid the hauntingly beautiful dreamscapes that surround our reality. David Lynch's dreamlike and mysterious Mulholland Drive is a twisty neo-noir with an unconventional structure that many consider the director's best film. A dark-haired woman (Laura Elena Harring) is left amnesiac after a car crash. She wanders the streets of Los Angeles in a daze before taking refuge in an apartment. There she is discovered by Betty (Naomi Watts), a wholesome Midwestern blonde who has come to the City of Angels seeking fame as an actress. Together, the two attempt to solve the mystery of Rita's true identity. The story is set in a dream-like Los Angeles, spoilt neither by traffic jams nor smog. A woman in search of stardom. A woman in search of herself - in the city of dreams. A key to a mystery lies somewhere on Mulholland Drive...Drama, Thriller, Mystery, Neo-NoirPT2H27M152025-03-22
Naomi Watts
Laura Harring
Justin Theroux
Robert Forster
Angelo Badalamenti
Rebekah Del Rio
David Lynch
David Lynch Season: Mulholland Drive"David Lynch Season: Mulholland Drive"


March 22, 3:00 pm

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